© DELTA Gruppe

Hotel Döbelner Hof

Short facts

The Hotel Döbelner Hof in the centre of the idyllic old town of Döbeln welcomes those seeking relaxation and business travellers to its hotel.

The Hotel Döbelner Hof is located in the centre of the idyllic old town of Döbeln. Despite its central location, the hotel is situated in a quiet atmosphere. A few metres from the hotel you will find the Mulder cycle path. The hotel has 38 rooms for both recreational and business travellers. The timelessly furnished rooms offer sufficient comfort with minibar, flatscreen TV and desk.

Double rooms

The double rooms are equipped with a large double bed, LCD TV, telephone, mini-fridge, desk, free Internet access via the hotel's own WLAN, as well as shower, WC and hairdryer in the bathroom. The rooms have a size of 20 - 22 m².

Family Suites

The family room is equipped with a large double bed, a sofa bed, a cot, LCD TV, telephone, mini-fridge, desk, free Internet access via the hotel's own WLAN, as well as bathtub, WC and hairdryer in the bathroom. The room has a size of 35 m².

On the map

Hotel Döbelner Hof
Bäckerstraße 8 - 9
04720 Döbeln

On the map:
Phone: +49 (03431) 6025-100
Website: doebelner-hof.eu

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