Ferienhotel Wiesenhof

Short facts

The Ferienhotel Wiesenhof in Dahlen extends an invitation to visit the restaurant with its winter terrace and beer garden.

The Ferienhotel Wiesenhof in Dahlen extends an invitation to visit the restaurant with its winter terrace and beer garden. You can expect to enjoy regional cuisine, a hall for up to 60 people and horse-drawn carriage rides. The hotel is equipped with comfortable and wheelchair-accessible rooms. You are also welcome to enjoy the sauna with its water pool.

On the map

Ferienhotel Wiesenhof
Schulstraße 8
04774 Dahlen

On the map:
Phone: +49 034361 / 820 - 0
Fax: +49 034361 / 82029 - 9
Website: www.wiesenhof-schmannewitz.de

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